
Posner on Sotomayor

kansas5/26/2009 5:50:44 pm PDT

re: #820 Sharmuta

I think there is something to be said for her words- a person’s perceptions and thus their judgment can be colored by the events of their lives. If they’ve experienced discrimination, then this is going to affect their thinking. There’s no point in denying our lives shape how we think. I’m not trying to excuse what she said- just trying to be honest.

That said- I’m not sure how much it’s affected her decisions in cases before her. Unless I can see a clear cut example, then I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, as her other decisions seem fairly moderate. Even the more conservative Justices have supported a few of her decisions. As for the reversal rate- the 9th Circuit has everyone beat.

I’m just trying to be fair, and I think we’ll learn a lot more in a few days. She’s on record as saying she can’t read rights into the Constitution, and she supported Bush on not funding international abortions with our money. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll be alright.

Hopefully she didn’t use her fingers to make quotation marks and wink or nod when she said that. Or smile when everyone laughed that she had said it.