
Overnight Open Thread

Irish Rose3/10/2009 6:56:58 am PDT

re: #727 BeerDrinking_VictoryMonkey

“When the trumpet sounds you and the other born-again believers in that automobile will be instantly caught away - you will disappear, leaving behind only your clothes and physical things that cannot inherit eternal life.”

So, do fake boobs go to Heaven?

I attended a church for 25 years that preached the doctrine of rapture. I knew a lot of people who wouldn’t even consider cremation after death, because they believed that God might have a hard time putting them back together again at the trumpet call. Dead bodies are supposed to be kept as physically intact as possible.

I took a lot of heat from these people, when my dad passed away and I honored his wish to have his remains cremated and distributed at his favorite fishing hole. I even did the job myself. Our elders were horrified.

I took even more heat when my mom passed away and I honored her request to have her remains cremated, split into three different containers, and distributed in three different places on two different continents… which I also did myself. The church elders officially put me on their shitlist, and I’m still there to this day.

Rebelliion against the straightjacket of formal religious thought and observance has been elevated to hobby status in my family, we’re all troublemakers :).