
A Nirther Kinda Monday

Randall Gross7/27/2009 4:14:30 pm PDT

re: #810 buzzsawmonkey

Once again: a scarf is a weapon needlessly given to a malefactor. On those grounds alone it should be rejected, because police attire is chosen with the idea that it should provide the officer with as much protection and authority as possible while offering potential adversaries as little as possible.

The scarf diminishes authority and increases vulnerability. On two counts, therefore, it fails, on grounds which far outweigh any conceivable benefit which may attach to “community outreach.”

A scarf doesn’t diminish authority. It doesn’t extend Islam either. People getting their panties in a twist over this need to go back to Ludwig’s answer to my question about the Amish.

If we get overly worried about non essentials then eventually we become like the nirthers. We see a mullah under every bed when the real problem is not stealth jihad. The real problem is specific groups, clerics, and countries. Scarves don’t bother me.