
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

subsailor684/22/2010 10:07:23 am PDT

re: #806 avanti

The Seal’s were accused of a cover up by denying they punched the terrorist in the gut and trying to get others to go along. They won because of lack of enough proof that the non Seals testimony backing up the terrorist version was accurate. I suspect a Seal lost his temper, others helped cover his ass and the military just wanted the uppopular issue to go away.
Like many technical infractions of the rules of war that happen in the heat of battle, this one could have just been ignored, but it’s a gray area.

Hi Avanti! Yep, I saw the article Obdicut linked. I suspect what you suspect may be right (heh). I did quite a bit of work with the SEALs back in the early 80’s and I was very impressed with the amount of self-control they exhibited. It really wasn’t much of a surprise when I thought about it - self-control was one of the keys to staying alive. That said, it’s certainly possible that one of the guys did lose his temper.