
Overnight Open Thread

lurking faith3/10/2009 6:59:18 am PDT

re: #751 pingjockey

The moronic climate change ads on “24” really tick me off.

They’re very stupid. They won’t convert anyone, and they are merely infuriating the (probably fairly large) segment of the “24”/Fox audience that knows that the current fashion in global warming/climate change alarms is intellectual garbage. They’re giving up valuable ad space for no return, or negative return.

If they keep it up, I’ll quit watching. (“24” is entertaining, but predictable and full of clunky dialogue, and I could give it up and never miss it. I’m behind on my reading anyhow.)

Hollywood is full of very ignorant people, some of whom are also deeply stupid, who are insulated from the real world. They have nothing to teach me.