
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Tigger20055/21/2010 8:53:19 am PDT

re: #812 Obdicut

However, given the actual history of Christians, it’s easy to conclude that Christians have found no trouble whatsoever in justifying killing in his name. Or ruling in his name, which I think Jesus would have taken an exceedingly dim view of.

True… it’s a double-edged sword, no doubt. The passages to justify it are there. It’s also easier to rationalize those passages away then it is to rationalize away such passages in the Koran.

Christianity emerged within the Roman Empire, which probably goes a long way toward explaining why it’s more “nuanced.” Christians couldn’t exactly go around doing whatever they wanted or killing whoever they liked or the State would squash them like bugs. Islam was not subject to the same constraints.