
Breitbart's John Nolte Says Bill O'Reilly is Nuts, Pamela Geller Is Just Like Jesus

Ian G.5/08/2015 9:41:13 pm PDT

re: #63 electrotek

I find it pretty pathetic that Armenians and Bosniaks would deny their respective genocides when their oppressors engage in genocide denial of their own. I was reading an article about Balkan Muslims straight-up denying the Armenian Genocide, including those who survived Srebrenica to my shock and horror. I was just upset to see it coming from those who suffered as much as Armenians did in 1915 to deny their suffering. I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?!:

Well, look at the subject of our post. A Jewish woman who speaks about Muslims in the same fashion as the Tsar’s propagandists did about Jews 100+ years ago. I guess her grandparents never conveyed the horrors of the pogroms to Pammy quite enough.

People have ways of compartmentalizing their beliefs, unfortunately.