
And Now for Something Totally Weird: Moon Hooch, "EWI"

Rightwingconspirator11/26/2016 9:12:01 pm PST

With all due respect to the views of others… This does not resemble “the right side of history”.

“As other countries in the region turned away from authoritarian rule, only Fidel Castro’s Cuba continued to repress virtually all civil and political rights,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. “Castro’s draconian rule and the harsh punishments he meted out to dissidents kept his repressive system rooted firmly in place for decades… …until he transferred power to his brother Raúl in July 2006, Fidel Castro held all three of the most powerful positions in Cuba’s government: president of the Council of State, president of the Council of Ministers, and first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party. “

He got some things right. But at an unconscionable price even at that.