
Video: Samantha Bee on the Jeff Sessions Racist Throwback Extravaganza

ericblair1/15/2017 1:14:43 am PST

re: #74 Anymouse

Interestingly enough, I live in a whole township of people who voted for Mr. Trump. Most of them bought Mr. Trump’s economic arguments (such as they were) and did not hear the racism and bigotry (because that was not broadcast on FOX).

I think you have to step back a level. Why do they believe these economic arguments so easily, and believe Trump when he would contradict himself on a daily basis? Why not believe Clinton when she had fully formed plans, was consistent, and obviously knew what she was talking about?

They’re not naive: they’re very selectively naive and very selectively cynical depending on what they want to be true. Straining at gnats and swallowing camels to preserve their predetermined worldview. They will change when reality hurts them or their families personally, but I fear not anytime before that.