
And Now, an Amazing Percussion Jam From PRD Mais: "Vivo Grilo/Bora Bira"

No Malarkey!2/14/2018 7:11:22 am PST

re: #79 Jay C

The WaPo comments on Drezner’s Korean piece were pretty illuminating: many simply ignored Dan’s main point in favor of Pavlovian castigation of “the liberal media” for what they see [i.e. persist in misinterpreting] as “cheerleading” for the DPRK regime. By which they seem to mean ANY reportage of any kind on North Korea that doesn’t include (or obsess on) virulent denunciation of the whole country and its ruling regime. I wonder if these wingnuts actually DO believe that “libruls” either don’t know the nature of the NK state, or think it’s somehow benign/praiseworthy (Sadly, the answer is probably “yes)?

Wingnuts claim to believe that states such as North Korea and Venezuela are models of what liberals want here, rather than the stable prosperous social democracies we see in Canada and Europe.