
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Repeats Coronavirus Failures in Reckless Rush to "Reopen" Economy

weststpaulbear4/16/2020 11:59:39 am PDT

re: #66 steve_davis

a facebook friend pointed out that 38 years ago today I was standing in front of a packed theater with a group, singing Paranoid, while the theater owner ran the opening shuttle scene from Heavy Metal on the screen behind us, without sound. Man, would I love to get those years back. I would have maybe gone to L.A. and wound up homeless and living under a bridge with all the other really good singers who discovered too late that the world is awash with really good singers, but that a really good sessions bassist can stay alive in pretty much any economy.

My too-late discovery from 38 years ago that playing drums in a loud rock band was a tremendous way to wreck your hearing.