
John Oliver: The End of the Endless Afghanistan War

The Ghost of a Flea8/23/2021 11:40:15 am PDT

The other day I waxed really long about offending vaccine deniers and horse paste eaters, but I think there’s a briefer less tangled way to describe them:

They’re looking to be angry and offended, because then they can reduce everything to a power struggle. They like power struggles because it’s all-or-nothing, and everything is just tactics to win—they don’t have to be reasoned, or have facts, they just have to create forceful rhetoric. This was never about addressing a need relating to the virus specifically or health generally, it’s about a deeper need to have the world confirm they are a better kind of person, and fear and intimidation are perfectly good ways of meeting that need.

Their beliefs change tremendously, Ship of Theseus style, and the only assumption that’s retained is that they’re a priori both moral and correct.