
Cory Wong: "News to Me" (Feat. The Awesome Nate Smith)

Targetpractice7/01/2022 11:58:55 am PDT

re: #73 lawhawk

Schoolhouse Rock time.

Democrats filed bills in both House and Senate.
Democrats passed the bill in the House.
Senate blocks because of filibuster (needs 60 votes).

When was last time that Senate had 60 votes for Democrats and controlled both chambers and WH?

And this SCOTUS would render that law unconstitutional too - because they’d invent some penumbra or emanation to claim that Congress can’t deny a fetus their rights (even as governments and legislatures do that all the time - from not counting them in the census to not extending life insurance to not considering for tax purposes until live born).

No offense, but that is a lot of words that amount to “We’re fucked no matter what.” If we’ve conceded that no law will survive this SCOTUS bench, then the only answer is a constitutional amendment. And that’s not 60 votes, that’s 435 Representatives, 67 Senators, and 38 state legislatures. Which means all the talk about having enough votes to override Sinema and Manchin on the filibuster is more smoke being blown up our asses than a California forest fire.