
Seth Meyers: The New GOP Speaker Was a Jan. 6 Architect; More Trump Allies Testify Against Him

Dangerman10/26/2023 4:29:30 am PDT

re: #63 Odie Hugh Manatee

I have an old friend who has been an avid gun collector/enthusiast. Former Navy, nice guy, liberal but an absolute gun nut. He has around 66 pieces plus loads of goodies and reloading gear, most quite valuable. Loads of ammo, too. I say that he “has been” collecting since he is sadly reaching the end of the road in his life. Lots of health issues that he refused to address have caught up with him, as it can to too many of us and he is now paying the price.

I have tried to convince him to sell his weapons and gear but he refuses to, for whatever reason. He could use the money more than all the stuff he has collected that is just sitting around collecting dust. He has no heirs to leave them to and no hope of ever using them again but he persists in hanging on to them.

I really don’t understand the mentality. It seems that some love guns more than life itself, which is really sick.

When I bought my second bike, my Harley Davidson dealer said “never fall in love with the iron”. Over the years I realized on several occasions that he was right.