
Marcus King Solo: "Inglewood Motel (Halestorm)"

No Malarkey!5/23/2024 7:02:15 am PDT

re: #78 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I think that Nikki’s end game here is that she will be in a position offer herself as the GOP counter-candidate to Kamla Harris in 2028.

A pipe dream at best.

If Trump doesn’t regain power and we are still having real presidential elections in 2028, we are going to see the largest field of presidential candidates in decades, if not ever. Every Governor and Senator not on their deathbed and a bunch of other ambitious politicians and celebrities are going to at least think about throwing their hat in the ring, with Biden and Trump both out of the way.*

*I’m assuming Trump will be too demented, incarcerated or dead to run again in 2028 if he doesn’t win this year.