
Hamas Thugs Caught Smuggling Suitcases Full of Cash (Again)

jcm2/05/2009 12:46:12 pm PST

re: #35 karmic_inquisitor

Did you see this yet?

Obama to take personal control of 2010 census.

Seems he feels that certain groups get “undercounted” so he wants to be sure they get extra population. More opportunity for ACORN to register the non-existent and then vote on their behalf.

I got the long form last time around. I filled in only the number of people in the house. The Constitution says “enumerate” not how many toilets I have.

I got a follow up visit from one of those temp census workers. Wanting to fill out the rest of the form. I told him how may people where in the house, and if wanted any more info come back with a subpoena.

Poor guy left with a confused look on his face, “I work for the government, you can’t say no!”