
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

mean Gene2/12/2009 1:29:07 pm PST

re: #11 Bubblehead II

From the Hot Air Comments section.

I wouldn’t rely upon Charles Johnson as a sole source of infomration these days, since he has been severing ties with former allies and accusing them of fascism or supporting fascism for several months now.

Strange, I thought you ( and a few other Lizards) had not only proven they were fascist, but that by associating with them (vb et al), they were legitimizing them much to their own detriment.

IF they were already ”fascists” they wouldn’t NEED to associate with anyone else in particular to be fascists.
IF, on the other hand, they became ”fascists” BY merely associating with someone else who is termed a fascist we will all have to move into mountain top monasteries.
Jesus said we must be NO PART of THIS WORLD.
Charles has made a great case for such a high level of purity-in-association that either we all will soon have to leave this world altogether!
OK, actually, Jesus didn’t even demand that.
He said keep yourself clean and be loving and kind to even your enemies…..otherwise you would have to get out of this world altogether.
He also said, as far as it is in your own control, be peaceable with ALL men.
Maybe if LGF cuts off enough impure bloggers, Anti-Islamist sites and news sites we will never have to be bothered by having to be exposed to such awful thinkers and can just sit back and congratulate one another on our purity in our computer room hideouts until the Jihad reaches us each individually and we are taken out and (you know what Islamist mobs do when they find a weakling Infidel, Jew or Christian amongst themselves, right?)