
Biden To Sell Bankruptcy to the Coal Industry

redheadredstate2/27/2009 9:41:51 am PST

re: #45 rawmuse

There was a time when I could have walked there. Just for the record, rawmuse is descended from coal miners and steel workers and thanks G-d every day that I never set foot in a mine or a mill. I have some blue collar type experience, but not lately.

My grandfather Buchanan (no relationship to Pat, thank goodness) was a good Scottish-American coal miner who settled in America in the 20’s. He lost a lung to the black lung. He was pictured in a Life Magazine article in the 30’s but it was an anonymous picture since they didn’t ask his name. A harder working person I never met and all who knew him respected him. In W. VA. coal is a major employer. If you ruin the coal industry then Hollywood won’t need to send their money to the starving in 3rd world countries. They’ll have plenty of the starving in W VA. But somehow I don’t think this administration gives a damn. BTW aren’t some of the folks in Kentucky still waiting for their power to be turned on?