
James Randi and Global Warming

lostlakehiker12/18/2009 1:30:43 pm PST

re: #45 friarstale

oh my gosh! All at once?
or over how long a period of time?

don’t you see how ridiculous you sound?

What’s ridiculous is the notion that nothing bad can possibly happen, because it just won’t.

IF the world’s seas rise 50 feet say, then most of Bangladesh WILL be flooded. Since the place now supports 100 million people, there you are. And it’s not just Bangladesh. There goes most of Florida, a lot of Lousiana, a fair bite out of Texas, South Carolina, etc. There goes London. The Netherlands? Sayonara.

You say, no problem. These people can just go somewhere else. But what if India does not want 100 million Bangladeshi immigrants? India, believe it or not, has enough mouths to feed as it is. And this flooding would take out a lot of India’s farmland as well.

You say, God would not permit it? After Auschwitz, you say that?

You say we’re just saying this to scare you. That’s actually the response of many people to threat. Freeze. Amanda Ripley’s book “Unthinkable: Who survives when disaster strikes—and why” gives a good explanation in terms of hardwired mammalian brain circuitry.

People have actually sat at their dinner tables and not moved, even when the flames engulfed them in a hotel fire, and even though they were warned by a hotel employee in plenty of time to have walked away.

Let’s not do the civilizational equivalent, OK?