
A Reply to David Frum

HoosierHoops12/23/2009 10:42:16 am PST

re: #60 MKELLY

So all you gents that accept science and not a Creator please explain how the universe was created without violating the First law of Thermodynamics.

Also, then you accept that your rights that are enumerated in the Constitution come from some person and not from our Creator. If your rights come from the whim of a man they can be lost the same way.

In the beginning God said let there be light. Sounds like the big bang theory to me.

Stick around.. Ludwig will tear you a new ass with membrane theory..( He is a string guy) And Kelly.. Next time you go to court try invoking the rights God gave you…Cause they are all written by man..No matter how flowery the founding fathers make it sound…Don’t mix God, Laws and science..
It won’t end up well for you here