
Gingrich Bails Out of the Anti-Mosque Demonstration

austin_blue8/21/2010 12:02:30 pm PDT

re: #77

Yeah, I started to add above that one reason they aren’t running the ads here is that “We’re really not as stupid as BP would like to think we are”, but I let it go!

1) Off La coast, there are no permits right now. Well, except BP has a permit. No one else does.
2) Companies have reviewed their response plans and I believe some revisions have been submitted (were awhile back, actually).
3) No plan will really pass muster. Each incident is a situation unto itself. It is impossible, IMO, to predict how any incident will occur or play out.
4) Within a week after the incident, all wells had been inspected by MMS; no major violations were found, a few minor ones were and were “fixed” within shorty order. Then the moratorium was issued.

That’s probably true. Unfortunately true. But somehow, “We are just going to wing it.” is not real comforting at this point. We *know* another Black Swan can appear at any time. And we can’t just “trust these guys to do the right thing”. When profit trumps safety, as it obviously did at Macondo, regulatory oversight must be increased.