
Now Can We Call Them 'Teabaggers?'

Nimed9/12/2010 12:18:33 pm PDT

re: #43 SanFranciscoZionist

It baffles me. Is this a totally new crowd, or are these the people who voted a second term for a man who invaded Iraq just to be sure, and are now cheering for isolationism? Are they idiots, or are there actually different demographics at work here?

Oh, it’s probably the usual Tea Party inside tensions. Paul vs. Palin and all that. And it’s like this on a number of issues. For instance, FreedomWorks (or Dick Armey at least) also has a pro-immigration stance which a lot of teabaggers don’t like.

This is one of the things in which the Tea Party is unusual — unlike other movements (anti-war, pro-life, pro-choice, etc), they actually don’t have a coherent set of policies they would like to implement on almost any area. Even the “cut spending now!” stuff would probably fall apart the moment the older teabaggers (and there are a lot of those) would realize the implications this would have to Social Security and Medicare.

I think that’s the reason many of their slogans are conveniently vague — They’re mad as hell, they’re against Marxism, and they want their country back. The movement can’t much more specific than that without imploding.