
Overnight Open Thread

cenotaphium10/11/2010 5:58:23 am PDT

re: #82 pharmmajor

From the article:

In a new study for the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington, Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron and research associate Katherine Waldock estimate that, nationally, legalizing and taxing marijuana would save $8.7 billion in enforcement costs and harvest $8.7 billion in revenue.

I just love nice numbers like that. They could have at least picked 8.6 for one and 8.8 for the other. It’d seem more science-y.

I also like how libertarian views on drug legalization seldom address the greater (and later) societal costs. Of course, for them, that might solve itself by saying that we obviously should just cut support for people foolish enough to do drugs.
Very neat.

I’m all for legal drug use, I just don’t trust people to have the sense to use them right. ;)