
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Liberals 'Haven't Taken to Killing People' Yet

iceweasel4/22/2011 11:28:06 am PDT

re: #68 Tigger2005

Charles, I’m not really sure about this line. Humanity has seen many reigns of terror MUCH worse than the Spanish Inquisition, most of them having taken place in the last century…including those of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot.

That line is absolutely warranted. These folks are the ones buying the Left Behind books, books in which the violence is overwhelming. He comes to smite all the godless:

Paul Nuechterlein accused the authors of re-sacralizing violence, adding that “we human beings are the ones who put our faith in superior firepower. But in the Left Behind novels the darkness of that human, satanic violence is once again attributed to God.”[18] In that same book Jesus merely speaks and the bodies of his enemies are ripped open, forcing the Christians to drive carefully to avoid “hitting splayed and filleted bodies of men and women and horses.”