
New Voter ID Laws Could Block Thousands of Legitimate Votes - as Intended

A Mom Anon7/08/2012 1:28:42 pm PDT

re: #54 A Mom Anon

Correcting myself:

Actually there are opponents to some of the GOP candidates here,but you rarely see or hear about them until you go to the polls and see their names on the ballot. No ads,no signs,hell you’re lucky if you see them interviewed on the local news.

My GOP congresscritter, Phil Gingrey, has had a challenger in the last two elections,first time the guy ran as independent,this time he’s running as a dem. Probably thinking he’d get some money and backing from the local dem party. Um,no. Especially since he thought it would be a fabulous idea to disavow most of the dem platform.

Next district over,Tom Price had a conservative dem challenger a few years ago and the GOP flooded the area with ads,Price was all over the news,and the challenger barely fought back,saved his money til the last few days of the campaign and lost. Yay local dems. RAH. I guess what I should have said is that the GOP candidates might as well run opposed,the dems here are weak and won’t fight,so of course they lose,over and over.