
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

Gus3/09/2009 9:29:21 pm PDT

re: #821 realwest

Ah ok, I thought y’all were talking about mortgage loans - but you can put me down for boycotting China AND GE.
And for what little it’s worth, Buffet has put most of his eggs in two alternative energy sources: Windmill power and ethanol. Ethanol is a loser and hardly anyone else had sincerely jumped on the windmill bandwagon.
I think there’s a very distinct Warren Buffet will lose his shirt!*

For him, losing his shirt would mean he’d be down to his last, oh, $500 million or so.

I can’t boycott China. I have a Chinese mouse, motherboard, monitor, speakers, hard drive, printer, flight controller, telephone, fans, headphones, camera, etc.

Todo esta Hecho en China!
