
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

shimoda9/02/2009 11:28:19 pm PDT

OT. Introducing myself.
I know you are supposed to introduce yourself in the registration thread but being a fool, I forgot. I tried to rectify it about 48 hrs later but of course nobody reads a thread that old. So here we go again.

I am from Finland, working as an ICT-manager at a chemical company.
I have been lurking here a few years and thought it would be polite to step forward and reveal myself.
I find it refreshing to read a non-crazy, American, center-right blog. I seem to be a bit more to the left than most of you here (coming from a godless, socialist, EU-hellhole as I do).

Anyway, this is my introduction, it is not much but it is mine.

Don’t think I will post too many posts as you seem to be keeping VERY strange hours! Why can’t you conform and adapt to EU-time!? ///

Time now is 09:26, that is 9:26 AM for you.
