
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Kenneth6/02/2009 5:06:25 pm PDT

re: #809 Charles

But that’s exactly the discussion you were having in this comment:


You implied that having abortion as a method of birth control was often done for frivolous reasons. The pertinent quotes:

I did not use the word frivolous. I did assert that most abortions are performed for reasons of birth control. At your request I provided links to references which supported my assertions. Now if you wish to characterize “birth control” as a frivolous reason, so be it. Maybe that’s something for you to think about. But it was a word I neither used or implied.

I also provided a break down of the motivations for birth control abortions, some of which are anything but frivolous.

Liberal Classic insists I moved the goal posts. Well what do you call insisting that I implied a word I never used or included an “unspoken attack”? That’s not moving the goal posts, that’s shifting the whole damn field.

I would love to debate this topic further, with anybody, but please stick to things I actually wrote. I find it very unfair to be asked to defend so-called implied and unspoken phrases.