
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

webevintage5/21/2010 8:55:01 am PDT

re: #822 Obdicut

Maybe he should stop for a fucking second and think about the impact that the spill has on thousands and thousands of American businesses, the prick.

What an asshole. That’s almost more annoying than his stupid-ass comments on the CRA. This one makes abso-fucking-loutely no sense, and is, in fact, back-assward.

What an ultra-dweeb.

I commented to my hubby last night about my disappointment in the current administrations reluctance to do something about the last one’s easing of regulations until a disaster happens because, well that’s what happens when you don’t make businesses follow the rules.
I also was confused just WHY BP is being allowed to still be the boss, for lack of a better word, in response to this disaster. Maybe I want Obama and the Coast Guard to do something that really cannot be done?