
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

mikalm4/15/2009 3:22:36 pm PDT

re: #807 Catttt

I don’t watch TV, but I like take-charge guys. Especially big ones.

I always thought Teller was really tiny before I learned Penn is 6 foot 6.

Size counts! I’ve spent much time with supposedly sophisticated and rational people, and am amazed at how often the largest mammal in the room has both the floor and his way, and can back down the occasional dissenter with merely a glance. Who says we’re not still operating on animal instincts?

(Another example of the Big Creature Syndrome was Hunter S. Thompson, who was quite formidable. I often wonder if he would have gotten away with 1/10th of the a$$holery he did had he been a skinny 5’5” dude.)