
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Lynn B.6/02/2009 5:19:25 pm PDT

re: #830 unrealizedviewpoint

The problem is, you continue to make claims you can’t back up based on nothing more than your own personal conjecture. You really have no idea whether there was enough evidence to have brought further legal action against Dr. Tiller. Just because there were people who wouldn’t accept the jury’s verdict doesn’t mean they would have convinced the authorities to bring a case.

And then there’s this.

re: #381 unrealizedviewpoint

At $5000 each, Tiller earned millions of dollars yearly performing late term abortions, his specialty. It’s hard for me not to think of this man in any other way.

There were a total of 323 late term abortions performed in Kansas in 2008 and even fewer the year before (and that’s according to In all of Kansas. Assuming that Dr. Tiller performed half of them (which is a stretch) and taking at face value your unsubstantiated claim that he was charging $5,000 for each, you still get nowhere near “millions of dollars yearly.”

But feel free to keep the hyperbole coming.