
CPAC Live Video 1

itellu3times2/26/2009 10:32:17 pm PST

re: #807 Sharmuta

I’ve been thinking about the Jindal speech some more, and tonight’s CPAC feed-

What concerns me about what I’m seeing right now in the party is reaction. Reacting to the catchy mantras of the left by trying to create our own. Reactions in the post stimulus discussion. I don’t want to be seeing reaction. Rather, we need a counteraction. A counteraction that’s both true to our fiscal ideals as a party as well as one that will offer the electorate a real alternative. In my mind there is a distinction, and it’s this distinction I feel is lacking in the GOP this week.

Even Reagan was more counteraction than pro-anything. That’s a tough sell anytime. Republicans need to be pro-something. Energy independence. Space program. National health care. Yes, I said that. I think the time has come - would have come in 1994, if Hillary wasn’t such a stupid bitch. Bob Dole, minority leader and then majority leader, as all for it. Those were simpler times. Some combination of insurance, public facilities, none of the voodoo that Obama is throwing at it, as if throwing federal money at electronic record keeping was at all sensible. Anyway, how about a pro-science Republican party. Pro-science careers - kill the H-1B programs entirely. Raise the salaries for scientists and engineers, that’s how to use market forces. Stuff like that.