
Donald Trump's Fascinating Friday Freakout

Blind Frog Belly White10/08/2016 10:28:21 am PDT

re: #820 philosophus invidius

Now I’m worried that the tape makes things worse but getting Trump replaced.

It’s too late. Ballots have been cast. Multiple legal scholars are saying that once you got past September 1, that’s it. And now that people have actually voted? Totally impossible.

They MIGHT try having Trump drop out (but HE has to do it, they can’t replace him), and tell America that they’re really voting for Pence, but that’s not true. And I can’t imagine it would go that well for Pence, since it would be easy to tar him with Trump AND point out that he wasn’t even second choice for the Presidential nomination, that NOBODY voted for him for top of the ticket.

But I don’t see Trump dropping out at this point. He’s resisted all calls to moderate, pointing to the support he has from his diehard fans. I think he just gets crazier.

And tomorrow night, going into a Town Hall debate - the LEAST FRIENDLY forum for attacking your opponent - he’ll be angry, and frustrated, and really, really wanting to hit somebody.