
President's Day Open

Cato the Elder2/16/2009 2:16:50 pm PST

re: #784 calcajun

I had found recently that ALL American-made cheeses, irrespective of style, tastes somewhat alike—and that’s not good. Edam, brie, rochefort from Europe taste better than their American-made counterparts.

That’s because most American stuff is cheesy imitations.

I can remember when all you could get here were two brands of cheese: “Swiss” and “American”. Both with the consistency of plastic, the taste of boiled milk and the look of a corpse.

Of course, if you really wanted to splurge you could get Velveeta or cheese-in-a-spray-can.

One of the few things we can be grateful to yuppies for is bringing back a taste for real cheese from their tours of the Continent.

I’m still waiting for the sausage sections of high-end markets to catch up with their cheese offerings.