
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Mich-again2/15/2009 9:15:26 pm PST

re: #764 Charles

And here is more from that writer Edgar Steele who was featured in the CCC newsletter.. Hate Speech: Anything Jews Hate to Hear

Remember who is pushing all this censorship. Jews like Bernie Farber, of the CJC, now on the trail of poor Mr. Hussain, whose crime was printing an essay that told the truth. Because jewish feelings were hurt.

Let’s not forget who took over Russia early last century. American jews went to Russia and overthrew the Tsar, using American jewish banker money. One of the first things they did was to outlaw antisemitism, the very thing that is being attempted in America today. Before they were done, over 20 million white Russian Christians were slaughtered (over 40 million, if you believe Alexander Solzhenitsyn) by the Russian communist jews, people who started out by seeking to stop expressions of antisemitism, because jewish feelings were getting hurt.

Those are some classy folks you are standing up for Ann.