
Overnight Open Thread

Flyers19746/01/2009 8:16:54 am PDT

re: #678 iceweasel

You’d be surprised. Much of the left loathes the MSM just as much as you do.

One stereotype on the right is that the MSM has a liberal bias all the time and rolled over and crowned Obama.

Yet much of the left, and nearly all of the progressive/liberal left (and especially the blogosphere) despises the MSM and has done for years. They feel the problem isn’t that the MSM shows liberal bias—but that the MSM engages in shallow reporting, is stupid, is lazy, and is far more interested in preserving its friendships with whatever Administration is in power than it is in doing its job. They’re nicknamed the “chattering class” or the “the Village” on the lib/progressive blogs: a group of rich talking heads that set the tone of our discourse and drive the narrative and are completely ignorant.

In other words, liberals might acknowledge that the MSM this time favoured Obama and pushed narratives that helped him…but they’ll point out that last time the MSM was pushing narratives that demonised democrats. They don’t like the MSM any better because the MSM decided to love Obama this time. They hate the MSM because they believe it’s never interested in doing real reporting or being honest whoever’s narrative they’re pushing.

re: #781 opnion

Obama was fresh & the Media has a love affair with him.
McCain seemed like & looked like the past.
Bush was being blamed fairly & unfairly for about everything.
McCain ran a really bad campaign & still went up four points after choosing Sarah Palin. If it did not break that the economy was in free fall, who knows?

Another issue is, how relevant is the MSM with respect to the forming of political opinion, at least these days? As far as those with strong political opinions, people belive what they want to believe. I think it is nearly impossible to change a person’s mind regarding political issues through a face-to-face conversation, let alone over the tv, etc… .

If the economy had been in better shape and McCain was the McCain of 2000, McCain wins in my opinion. At one point during the stand-up debate I literally felt bad for McCain. He appeared to me old and tired. That has nothing to do with ideology but with image.