
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

elbruce9/06/2010 10:02:22 pm PDT

re: #828 palomino

It’s not just racism though. I can’t imagine a President Colin Powell or even Deval Patrick/Harold Ford having to put up with all this crap. None lived in Indonesia; none has a Kenyan Muslim father; none has a mid name like Hussein.

It’s a toxic mixture of the leftover dead-end racism of a previous generation and some very timely, know-nothing xenophobia.

Which is why I just shake my head when a wingnut says “Obama only won because he’s black!” You take the same guy, the same way of speaking and thinking, the same policy proposals - everything - and make him white? It’s the second coming of RFK. That guy would have won by the biggest landslide the modern age had ever seen.