
Anti-Choice Group Center for Medical Progress Begs Supreme Court For Emergency Stay of Discovery - UPDATE: Denied

BeachDem12/04/2015 4:40:30 pm PST

re: #69 Backwoods_Sleuth

I actually taught that class when I was a university professor back in the 80s-early 90s.

I am appalled at today’s “journalists”.

You and me both, Sleuth. In addition to their appalling lack of writing/reporting skills, excruciating grammar and spelling, inability to separate facts from opinions and constant errors, their complete ignorance and lack of ethics makes me sick to my stomach.

I had a newswriting prof who would give you a zero for misspelling a word in a news story (and that was back in the days of manual typewriters and White Out!) and dog forbid, if you got a fact wrong or didn’t have three sources…