
Jacob Collier Jams With His Fans via Video

austin_blue9/02/2016 9:38:24 pm PDT

re: #79 Interesting Times

Now that the debate moderators have been announced, something else occurred to me - we’ve mostly speculated that trump will either skip all the debates, or the last two if the first one goes horribly…but is there a chance he’ll do the opposite, and only attend the *last* debate? That’s the one where Fox’s Chris Wallace is the moderator.

I don’t think he can. The problem for Trump is that he can’t get above 42% nationally. That’s a disaster for down-ballot races. He’s got to go in and WIN! at the first debate. If he skates on the first two, to be crude, he’ll look like a pussyboy for not going up against a girl.

At this point, he cannot cede any ground.

I simply cannot wait. She is going to rip him a new asshole, half-hang, draw, quarter, and disembowel him on national TV.

She Who Must Be Obeyed and I have acquired Very Special Popcorn (The Best!) for the inevitable slaughter. Can’t wait!