
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Trumps on a Plane

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS3/10/2022 8:40:49 pm PST

re: #64 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Trump has been brought on several shows and podcasts recently so the GOP can get sound bytes for the midterms and he refuses to go along with it becuase it’s not in his mad-lib refrigerator magnets pile in his head.

Ronna McDaniel had him on to try to talk up voting for Republican candidates for congress this year and he wouldn’t do it, he rambled off into whatever he wanted to talk about at any given time and it was always about him. She kept asking him the same thing over and over and his brain would just roll a dice. “Uhhh 4…. The wall” “Uhhh 2… The China virus” “Uhhh 6… the machines are rigged.”

A sign of dementia, actually. He stays with the two or three topics he can remember, and moves to them no matter what anyone says.