
Shawn Colvin and John Leventhal: "Get Out of This House" (Live at WFUV)

Targetpractice9/25/2023 4:32:53 am PDT

re: #79 William Lewis

Gah. Fucking Priceline. Screwed over this guy down from Canada for a week of biz meetings in town for twice what he’d have paid if he’d have called us direct. And tried to tell him breakfast wasn’t included O_o so he was asking me how much he needed to pay each day. Gotta be a Republican company…

If there is one piece of advice I keep repeating again and again, it’s do not believe a single fucking thing you are told by the person on an OTA reservation line because they do not work at whatever hotel you are booking. They’re not paid to help you, they’re not paid to give you good advice, they’re paid to pressure you into making a booking and will tell you whatever it takes to achieve that goal every time.