
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

karmic_inquisitor1/16/2009 4:05:40 pm PST

Just to restate what has been stated over years -

• You can believe God created heaven and Earth and still support scientific discovery and the theory of evolution;
• If you are a creationist or an evolutionist or both, you know that we all came from one tribe in one place and spread out from there, with our bodies, colors and shapes changing over time;
• If we are to believe that God created us in his image, then God gave us minds and curiosity, coupled with a universe of things to ponder so that we could know the joy of discovery. So why fear science?
• With each discovery, man finds new questions to ask, as if the horizons stretch infinitely. To me, that shows God’s hand.

I don’t need to undermine rationality to support God - instead I follow it.