
UAE Sheikh Cleared in Video Torture

What, me worry?1/11/2010 12:08:38 pm PST

re: #75 SanFranciscoZionist

True. However, we have a very close relationship with the Saudis that involves completely disregarding their hideous human rights record, and the fact that the largest terrorist attack carried out on U.S. soil was staffed by their citizens.

I know why. And most days I can sort of take a deep breath and cope with it. But it leaves a bitter taste when people act as though we went into Afghanistan because of the Taliban’s abuses, or as though Saddam’s torture chambers had just suddenly come to out attention,and we HAD to do something. Or the Saudis take back terrorists, give them a stern lecture, and let them go…and we, well, we wish they hadn’t. But are we gonna invade over it? Hell no.

The Saudis. The oil states. Ladies and gentleman, our allies.

We need them. We can’t cut them lose. Not the Saudis, not OPEC, not even Venezuela and we got more oil from him and Mexico than the Arabs.

You would think a light would go off in the Republicans heads that we need to stop using as much oil as possible, utilizing alternative fuels as fast as we can to get away from these beasts. But no, it’s more important to hate the scientists and fight against global warming than cut our foreign oil dependence. It makes no sense to me.