
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/22/2010 10:10:14 am PDT

re: #68 Gus 802

M. Stanton Evans - Mr. Evans, author of Blacklisted by History, is a HUMAN EVENTS contributing editor.

M. Stanton Evans is Medford S. Evans who was also active with the John Birch Society and author of:

Forced Integration is Communism in Action. Jackson, Miss.: The Citizens’ Council, 1962. (McCain Library Mississippiana E185.61 .E93 1962)


Civil rights myths and Communist realities by Medford Evans Conservative Society of America, 1965

Also note in this photo the sign in the center reading “Integration is Communism.” This was inspired by the Birchers and Mr. Evans.

The Lubbock paper carried Evans’s column back in the 80s. I still remember one particular column that attributed AIDS to the “loathesome couplings of male homosexuals…..”