
NOAA Study: All Indicators Show Climate Change is Undeniable

Coracle7/30/2010 12:14:54 pm PDT

re: #83 MKelly

Coracle the above is your opinion. I don’t know bigred, but myself having studied this since my college days in heat tranfer and thermodynamic classes and writing a term paper on global warming I believe I have sufficient knowledge on the subject and more than most.

It is indeed my opinion. If you’ve actually read and digest the science and still concluded as you do, I believe you’ve fundamentally misunderstood the processes involved, but I can’t prove that.

The questions you ask about the recovery from the LIA, to me, betray a fundamental ignorance of the difference between long term climate cycles and short term forcing, which you have persisted in conflating more than once.

As far as ‘would everyone be worse off’ if global temps were to rise 2C there is actually a cogent argument that _yes_ everyone except the richest few percent who can live wherever they want, whenever they want will be worse off. 2C would result in tens to hundreds of millions of climate refugees across the globe, shifted weather and growing patterns (possibly threatening the US’s own breadbasket) and vastly different physical and economic stresses on third to first world countries.