
Video: Boardwalk Empire's Unnoticed Computer Graphics

84 6:55:50 pm PST

re: #80 CuriousLurker

Thank goodness. I hate myself whenever I have to talk to someone in a call center overseas because the second I hear the accent I turn into the Queen of Snark and have zero patience. I know it’s wrong to be so nasty, but I just can’t help myself for some reason. Accents don’t bother me in any other situation.

I guess it’s because when I’m calling it’s usually because I’m already having a problem with some product or service, so I’m already annoyed. Having usually paid top dollar American prices for whatever I’m calling about, I get doubly annoyed because I feel should at least get customer service people who speak intelligible English. IOW, I’m actually annoyed at the company, but I take it out on the person who answers the phone. That’s pretty shitty, but I can’t seem to stop.

You’re not the only one.
What I really hate is when they insist on going through their “script”, and keep asking me if I’ve done a, b and c, when I’ve already told them I’ve tried a, b and c and it didn’t work.