
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

moderatelyradicalliberal6/10/2011 7:10:20 pm PDT

re: #76 marjoriemoon

Kind of ironic. You almost have to be missing the shame gene just to put up with all the BS involved, especially to get elected.

It sounds awful to say, but Edwards was a good Democrat also. I hope people understand when I say that, he (and Weiner) fought the right fights and stood behind the right policies.



I understand what you mean about them being good Democrats. I think the reason that this kind of behavior upsets me is because getting caught up in stupid personal lies, even about shit they may very well be none of my business, makes it impossible for you to point out the lies on the other side that matter. Republicans may be lying, liars who tell lies about their policies and intentions, but you can’t call anybody a liar about anything if you have your own truth telling problems. No matter what kind of serious and valid critiques of the GOP Weiner may have will be undercut, buy somebody telling a penis joke.