
Pamela Geller Still Freaking About Butterball Jihad: 'I Exposed Halal Tutrkeys [sic]'

Killgore Trout1/02/2012 10:37:43 am PST

Koskidz pushing back against the extremists….
Obama is the best president of my lifetime.

I’m not doing this sh***!!!
Both near the top of the Rec List and are worthwhile reads for those who want to understand the lefty mindset. Although I think they’re still missing the point a bit and still dancing around the real issue of OWS and the return of the radical anti-war lefty loons, at least they recognize there is a problem. This is a conversation the wingnuts should have had about the Tea Party extremists but too few people had the courage to speak up. Instead of blindly following the idiots over the cliff at least some lefties are fighting back.