
Seller of 'Re-Nig' Bumper Sticker: The N Word Isn't Racist

simoom3/19/2012 2:02:39 pm PDT

Is it just me or is this plain silly?

A Republican Jewish group is demanding an apology from senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod after he referred to Mitt Romney’s ad campaign in Illinois as “the Mittzkrieg.”

The Republican Jewish Coalition condemned the comparison of Romney’s effort to the blitzkrieg as casual and inappropriate use of Nazi imagery and demanded an apology.

Axelrod is himself Jewish.

“At a time when there is so much talk about the need for civility in political discourse, it is disturbing to see President Obama’s top campaign adviser casually throw Nazi imagery around in reference to a Republican candidate for president,” the group said in a statement. “Holocaust and Nazi imagery are always inappropriate in the political arena. Axelrod should apologize for his offensive language.”

Romney campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom circulated the RJC statement, saying the group “slaps @davidaxelrod for ‘Mittzkrieg comment, saying ‘Holocaust and Nazi imagery’ inappropriate.”

Here are the Axelrod tweets:

I mean is the NFL trading in “Holocaust and Nazi imagery” by continuing to call a particular football play Blitzing? Was ESPN News doing the same with their show The Blitz? Maybe I’m missing something here, but I had always thought it was just another of the many military terms that have become common in modern English, and not something people take offence at.