
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Spare O'Lake5/21/2010 9:00:36 am PDT

re: #807 Obdicut

There are a lot more violent radical Muslims than there are violent radical Christians.

That does not correlate to much of anything else, though. It doesn’t, for example, allow the conclusion that therefore Islam inspires more violence than Christianity. It implies that many modern forms of Islam inspire and condone violence. A large reason for this is the high amount of theocracy in the Middle East. To me, the amount of Islamic violence is tied to amount of theocratic control present, not the individual religion.
I’m really hoping the next wave of religious extremism is Buddhist, just to watch the confusion among partisans on all sides.

And there’s the rub. Islamic scripture and teaching, by virtue of the content of the religious texts and the express prohibition against interpretation, is more violent than other religions.